Acoustic Image of Sunken Rowboat

Kevin Fink
N2H2, Inc.


I am seeking a position where I may leverage my talents in hands-on motivation and guidance of technologists, researchers, and developers to produce cutting-edge yet practical results.

Recent Work Experience

January 1996 to Present
Chief Technology Officer - N2H2, Inc., Seattle, WA. Network and System Design, Implementation, and Administration. Computer Programming (C, Perl, shell, including CGI Scripting). Database Design and Implementation. Project and Personnel Management.

September 1995 to December 1995
Computer Programmer and Internet Consultant, KF Consulting,

February 1995 to September 1995
System Administrator and MIS Director, Virtual Broadcast Network.

Winter 1992 to February 1995
Research assistant to Prof. Edward Belcher, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington. Developed PC-based software for image collection and analysis from acoustic lens systems. Developed software simulation of multi-element acoustic lenses.

1992/93 Academic Year
Teaching assistant in Electrical Engineering Department, University of Washington. Taught undergraduate circuit design (ENGR 215) and signal processing (EE 235 and EE 341) classes.

Spring 1990 to Summer 1992
Research assistant to Prof. Ziyad Duron, Harvey Mudd College. Worked under National Science Foundation grant "New Experimental Techniques for the Investigation of Dam-Water Interactions" and Southern California Edison - Harvey Mudd College Center for Excellence Grant "An Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Concrete Dams." Designed, implemented, and tested automated data acquisition system, developed new experimental techniques for the gathering of hydrodynamic pressure responses both along the dam face and in the reservoir, and developed data reduction and analysis procedures and software.

Fall 1990 to Summer 1992
Harvey Mudd College Computer Science Department. System Services Administrator. Wrote, compiled, installed, and maintained software on Sequent Symmetry, Sun Sparcstations, and Dec VaxStation. Responsible for installation and maintenance of all publicly-accessable software on department's systems.

Special Skills

Computer Languages: Perl, C, Awk, Sed, Bash, Csh, Tcsh, PV-WAVE, MATLAB, S-PLUS, Transact-SQL, Ada, Pascal, FORTRAN, BASIC, and 6502 and 68000 assembly languages.

Fourteen years of formal and informal experience on a wide variety of computers and operating systems, including Linux, FreeBSD, BSDI, NetBSD, SunOS, Solaris, DOS, Windows, Macintosh, Commodore, VAX, HP, and Sequent/Dynix. Extensive experience with UNIX operating systems, with a focus on Linux, SunOS, and Solaris.


University of Washington. Seattle, Washington.
Doctoral Student, Electrical Engineering Department.

University of Washington. Seattle, Washington.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, March 1994.
Thesis: Computer Simulation of Pressure Fields Generated by Acoustic Lens Beamformers
Course Work

Harvey Mudd College. Claremont, California.
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, May 1992.
Graduated with High Distinction and Honors in Engineering.

Assorted Honors

Member of Iota Upsilon Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu
Dean's List all graded semesters at Harvey Mudd College
National Merit Scholar
ARCS Foundation Scholarship
AFCEA Scholarship
L.A. Philanthropic Scholarship
Oregonian Publishing Company Scholarship
Elk's Foundation Scholarship
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Scholarship


"Measuring hydrodynamic pressure during forced vibration testing of concrete dams", Dam Engineering, Vol II, Issue 4, pp. 337-355.