Animal lovers love this book.
People who like to laugh love this book.
The title and
hot-pink cover illustration attract attention. The contents
appeal to anyone interested in country living at its funniest.
Here's what reviewers are saying:
- "Linda Fink has written a funny book. Life in The Goat
Lane will take you on a merry ride through 36 articles
filled with smiles and laughter."
- - Statesman-Journal, Salem, Oregon
- "... you can't read this book without finding yourself
laughing out loud sooner or later."
- - United Caprine News
- "Linda manages to turn the most awful mishaps into humor.
... (She) is a goatkeeper's James Herriot."
- - Dairy Goat Journal
- "... Her husband Johnny and their two sons, Kevin and
Steve, may share the farm, but they don't particularly share
Fink's enthusiasm for goats. ... The goats, the marriage, the
diverse interests all provide grist for Fink's humor mill. She
grinds it extremely well in this book..."
- - Maine Organic Farmer-Gardener
- "This book fills a well-needed gap in the literature."
- - Kevin Fink
Animals have been Linda 's lifelong love. She
holds a degree in Zoology from the University of Illinois. In
1969, she and her unsuspecting husband, Johnny, bought their first
goats and have been raising them ever since. Besides tending
Nubian goats on her Oregon farm , Linda writes humor
columns for a weekly newspaper and a national dairy goat
magazine. Her feature and humor articles have appeared in
numerous other regional and national publications.
Linda's Home Page
Email: linda@fink.com