Several other people have gotten this, including Adrian, Nikki, Jen, Barb, Christine and Tom Roland of the Tuesday Lab Group of Cell Biology, University of Notre Dame. What I want to know is what the heck are they doing solving puzzles in Lab? Update: They claim they have to do something "while running a gel". I don't even want to know...
Mark Solis
Several other people have gotten this, including Adrian, Nikki, Jen, Barb, and
Christine of the Tuesday Lab Group of Cell Biology, University of Notre Dame.
See above...
Mark Solis
My mom and dad finally got it...
Some people from the UK got it...
Puzzle 2
Mike Petrucelli
Work right-to-left, NOT left-to-right.
Puzzle 1
Congratulations to Chris Darrow!
He has a real job, though, so has lots
of time to waste on this kind of thing. We students have more important
things to do. Like bike, ski, roller-blade, etc...
> I want you to know that your father and I have wasted an entire evening
> trying to figure out your stupid brain teaser. Using higher math and
> mirrors (well, mirrors anyway), we have concluded that the correct
> answer is: XXX, XXX and XXX for the turtles, XXX for the visitor, who ought
> to find something better to do with her life.
Date: Wed, 03 May 95 15:34:20 -700
From: Stuart Fairall
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 14:20:11 -0700
From: Bretto
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 11:45:16 -0700
From: Miles Dunagan or Brian Moseley
Lots of other people, including:
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