UDB.pm: User Database API

package UDB;

require "/usr/local/bfd/lib/SQL.pl";

$ENV{'SYBASE'} = "/usr/local/sybase";

my $data_source = "dbi:Sybase:server=UDB;database=UDB";
my $database_username = "udb";
my $database_password = "udbpass";

# Initialize DBI
 use DBI;

# Log in to database
sub Login

# Log out of database
sub Logout

# Add a new user
sub AddUser
 my($package,$username,$realname,$phone,$plan) = @_;

 # Insert the information into the Users table.
 my $sql = "
	insert Users (UserName,RealName,PhoneNumber,BillingPlan)
	values ('$username','$realname','$phone,$plan)
 my $UID = &sql_identity($sql);

 if($UID == 0)
  # Failed for some reason.
  return 0;

 # Log that we created this user.
 $package->Log($UID,'Account Created',0);

 # Return the new ID.
 return $UID;
# Get list of users
sub GetUsers
 my $sql = "select UserName from Users";

 return &sql_select($sql);

# Get the information on a user
sub GetUserInfo
 my($package,$username) = @_;

 my $sql = "
	select RealName,PhoneNumber,BillingPlan,AccountBalance,Hours
	from Users where UserName = '$username'

 my $result = &sql_select($sql);
 my ($realname,$phone,$plan,$balance) = &sql_split($result);
 return ($username,$realname,$phone,$plan,$balance);

# Get the UID for a username
sub GetUID
 my($package,$username) = @_;

 my $sql = "
	select UID from Users where UserName = '$username'
 return &sql_select($sql);

# Modify a user.
sub ModifyUser
 my($package,$username,$realname,$phone,$plan) = @_;
 my $sql = "
	update	Users
	set	RealName = '$realname',
		PhoneNumber = '$phone',
		BillingPlan = $plan
	where	UserName = '$username'
 my $status = &sql_update($sql);
 return $status;

# Delete a user.  Note that this removes all traces of them from the
# database.  Usually you will use SuspendUser or something like that
# to deactivate an account.
sub DeleteUser
 my($package,$username) = @_;
 my $status = 0;

 my $sql = "
	select ID from Users where UserName = '$username'
 my $UID = &sql_select($sql);

 if($UID == 0)
  # Can't find this username.
  return 0;

 # Error checking?  Transactions?  Roll-backs?
 $sql = "
	delete from History where UID = $UID
 $status = &sql_update($sql);

 $sql = "
	delete from Users where UID = $UID
 $status = &sql_update($sql);

 return $status;
# Add a new Billing Plan
sub AddBillingPlan
 my($package,$name,$baserate,$basehours,$hourlyrate) = @_;

 my $sql = "
	insert BillingPlans (Name,BaseRate,BaseHours,HourlyRate)
	values ('$name',$baserate,$basehours,$hourlyrate)
 my $BID = &sql_identity($sql);

 return $BID;

# Get the particulars of a Billing Plan
sub GetBillingPlanDetails
 my($package,$name) = @_;

 my $sql = "
	select BaseRate,BaseHours,HourlyRate
	from BillingPlans
	where Name = '$name'
 return &split(&sql_select($sql));

# Update an existing billing plan
sub ModifyBillingPlan
 my($package,$name,$baserate,$basehours,$hourlyrate) = @_;

 my $sql = "
	update BillingPlans
	set BaseRate = $baserate,
	    BaseHours = $basehours,
	    HourlyRate = $hourlyrate
	where Name = '$name'
 my $status = &sql_update($sql);
 return $status;

# Change the name of an existing billing plan
sub ChangeBillingPlanName
 my($package,$oldname,$newname) = @_;

 my $sql = "
	update BillingPlans
	set Name = '$newname'
	where Name = '$oldname'
 return &sql_update($sql);

# List Billing Plans
sub GetBillingPlans
 my $sql = "select Name from BillingPlans";
 return &sql_select($sql);

# Apply a payment to an account
sub ApplyCredit
 my($package,$user,$description,$amount) = @_;

 if($amount < 0)
  # Whoa, Nelly!  This is set up to only take positive numbers to avoid
  # confusion.
  return 0;

# Apply a bill to an account
sub ApplyDebit
 my($package,$user,$description,$amount) = @_;
 if($amount < 0)
  # Whoa, Nelly!  This is set up to only take positive numbers to avoid
  # confusion.
  return 0;

# Insert a transaction.  Shouldn't really be called directly...
sub InsertTransaction
 my($package,$user,$description,$amount) = @_;

 my $UID = $package->GetUID($user);

 my $sql = "
	update Users set AccountBalance = AccountBalance - $amount
	where UID = $UID
 my $status = &sql_update($sql);

 return 0 unless $status;

 # Save a record of this in the history.

 # Successful!
 return 1;
# Create a log entry in the History table
sub Log
 my($package,$UID,$transaction,$amount) = @_;

 my $sql = "
	insert History (UID,Date,Transaction,Amount)
	values ($UID,getdate(),'$transaction',$amount)
 my $ID = &sql_identity($sql);

 # Return the new ID.
 return $ID;